Echocardiogram Untuk Penolong Pegawai Perubatan ( Pembantu Perubatan )

Friday, September 12, 2008

Introduction to Trans-oesophageal Echocardiography

5-10% of echocardiography studies.
In IJN, around 200 cases (2003) to >1000 cases (2007)
Knowledge of appropriate indications, contraindications and risks of TEE.
Knowledge of the physical principles of echocardiographic image formation, cardiac anatomy and alterations and blood flow velocity measurement.
Knowledge of adequate data, adequate or inadequate TEE examination.

Physician should be assisted by an experience sonographer, to make sure optimum image acquisition and to ensure patients safety.
Nearest crash trolley.
Oxygen outlet and suction facility available.
Pulse oximeter should be available.
Obtain baseline vital signs.
Check indications for procedure.
Patient consent.
Inspection of probe, mobility of the probe tip, full flexion/extension and right/left flexion

Fasted for at least 4 hrs prior to the procedure.
Explain in brief the procedure, inform to expect mild abdominal discomfort and gagging sensation with probe advancement.
Trolley ( IV supplies, N/saline, 3-way tap, gloves.
20G IV cannula.
Dentures and eye-glasses to be removed.
Lidocaine spray (must cover posterior pharynx and tongue).
Warn not to eat or drink for at least 1 hr after local anaesthesia.

Help in patient positioning (left lateral decubitus)
Bite guard (must).
Reassure patient through-out procedure.

Swallowing problems, haematemesis.
Liver disease (varices).
Low oxygen saturation.
Allergy to latex.

Hypoxia (0.6%)
Hypotension (0.5%)
PSVT,NSVT (0.2%)
Haematemesis (0.1%)
Oesophageal tear (<0.02%)>

Probe insertion (oesophageal intubation)
Nausea is common (just pause and leave the probe alone)
Start imaging in the oesophagus then the gastric views. GE junction is usually around 40 cm.

Image Format:
Right sided structures are on the left and left sided on the right.
Apex of the imaging plane with the electronic artefact is at the top of the screen.

Mid-oesophageal view (LAA & LPV).
Push down – LVOT.
Swing across to look at IAS.
Swing across to look at RPV.
Swing back , push probe in to get 4 chamber view.
Change angle to around 40 degrees (aortic valve en-face).
Look at septum, TV, RVOT and PV.
Change angle to around 60-90 degrees (MV).
Rotate probe to et bi-caval view.
Change angle to 110%.
Go trans-gastric.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


PLAX 2D .... LVH





Non-dilated left ventricle (LV)
Absence of another cardiac or systemic disease


Autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance.
Most common inheritable cardiovascular disease (0.1-0.2% in general population).


36 year old gentleman presented to general/ CV clinic with a history of shortness of breath (usually with exertion).
Dizziness, presyncope/syncope, AF ?cause, family history of sudden death, atypical chest pain and heart failure symptoms.
Look at the ECG: LVH with strain, deep T wave inversion.

HCM - Differential

Noonan’s, LEOPARD, Friedrich ataxia
RV hypertrophy, D-TGA Athletes heart, hypertension, AS
Fabry’s, Glycogen storage disease, hypothyroidism, Mucopolysaccharidoses
Amyloidosis, Sarcoidosis


Determining the pathophysiology of HCM.
Quantitating its morphology and hemodynamic severity.
Assessing the acute, chronic responses to various therapies.
Provide assistance during therapeutic procedures.
Insight into the epidemiology, inheritance and prognosis.


Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH)
Septal to posterior wall thickness ratio > 1.3 (1.5), septum that is typically at least 15mm.
In children, LV wall measurements are more than 2SD above the mean (corrected for age and body surface area).
*30mm - sudden death risk.

HCM – LVH, Severity, Distribution and Patterns

PLX, serial PSX.
10 point system
Maron classification.
Pitfalls: Focal hypertrophy especially apical regions with sub-optimal windows and beware of oblique cuts.


Maron I : isolated anterior septum (10%).
Maron II : pan-septal without free wall involvement (20%).
Maron III : septum and antero-lateral free wall (52%).
Maron IV : all other types of hypertrophy (18%).

M-mode evaluation:

Narrowing of the LVOT
Mid-systolic notching of the aortic valve (no relationship with severity).
SAM of the mitral valve

Factors contributing to LVOTO:

(A) Narrowing of the LVOT by
(1)septal hypertrophy
(2)anterior displacement of the mitral apparatus
(3)anterior displacement of the papillary muscle

(B) HydroDynamic forces
(Venturi and drag forces) due to rapid early LV ejection with elongated mitral leaflets.


Occurs with the onset of the pressure gradient. (significant relationship with the obstructive gradient).

M-mode echocardiographic classification of SAM:

(1)Mild: SAM septal distance >10mm
(2)Moderate: SAM septal distance <10mm>HCM - LVOTO
(3)Severe: prolonged SAM septal contact, lasting more than 30% of systole.


Colour-flow mapping.
PW doppler – always start from the apex
CW doppler – spectral profile with a leftward concave shape (dagger shape).
Gradient (4V2), inducible by exercise techniques.
*LVOTO to MR doppler profile. MR doppler profile is earlier in onset, abrupt initial increase in velocity and a higher peak velocity (>5.5m/s).
Gradient: 30mmHg


Evaluate valve morphology.
Mid to late systole.
Typical posterior-directed jet, presence of non-posterior jet suggest intrinsic mitral valve abnormality.
Related to the degree of anterior leaflet SAM, to the length of the posterior leaflet and the degree of mid systolic coaptation of the leaflets.


Diastolic function is impaired.
Impaired LV relaxation pattern.
Filling pressures: Colour M-mode and tissue doppler techniques (TDI).
Asynchronous relaxation: base to apex (intracavitary IVRT flow), in ASH – base to apex flow and in apical HCM, apex to base flow.


Reduced Ea (detect genotype positive without LVH).
E/Ea with VO2 max, FC and serious events.
Ea to monitor response to invasive therapies.

Tissue doppler

Sa (lateral) < 13cm/s 100% Sensitivity 93% Specificity Sa (septal) < 12cm/s 100% Sensitivity 90% Specificity Ea (lateral) < 14cm/s 100% Sensitivity 90% Specificity Ea (medial) < 13cm/s 100% Sensitivity 90% Specificity

HCM – Strain Imaging

Myocardial strain allows the assessment of regional myocardial function.
Differentiate HCM from hypertensive heart disease.
Systolic strain of < -10.6% (85% sensitive, 100% specific, accuracy of 91%). All components of systolic strain is reduced in HCM.

Thank you and good luck

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Checklist for 2D Echo/M-Mode/Doppler/TDI image acquisition in sequence

Image optimization – able to visualize endocardial border
Depth and focus
Framerate if 2D strain
Colour doppler scale/ aliasing velocity ≥ 60cm/s
Colour doppler gain (optimize by overgain then decrease untill no more background “speckling”)
Allow 3 – 5 beats for each looping

PLAX (1) with Desc Thoracic Ao
PLAX (2) without Thoracic Desc Ao
PSLAX(3) M-Mode Ao/LA
PSLAX (4) M-Mode Mitral Valve Tip (Colour M-Mode if SAM)
PSLAX (5) M-Mode LV at chordae level

ASE guideline
Note: If heart orientation is distorted then direct 2D measurement to replace M-mode measurement
PSLAX (6) Zoom Aov and Mv
PSLAX (7) Colour Aov and Mv
Parasternal RV inflow (1)
Parasternal RVinflow (2) with colour
Parasternal RVinflow (3) CW for TR
Parasternal RVoutflow (1)
Parasternal RVoutflow (2) with colour
Parasternal RVoutflow (3) CW for PR (PW followed by CW if infundibular or valvular PS
Parasternal SAX (1) AO/MPA
Parasternal SAX (2) Colour PA
Parasternal SAX (3) PW RVOT
Parasternal SAX (4) CW PV
Parasternal SAX (5) Zoom Aov
Parasternal SAX (6) Colour Aov
Parasternal SAX (7) TV
Parasternal SAX (8) Colour TV for TR
Parasternal SAX (9) IAS with colour
Parasternal SAX (10) Basal LV (Zoom MV if MS )
Parasternal SAX (11) Colour MV if MR
Parasternal SAX (12) LV mid
Parasternal SAX (13) LV Apex
Parasternal SAX (13) LV Apex
Apical 4Ch (1) – All 4 Chambers in
Apical 4Ch (2) – LA and RA volume
Apical 4Ch (3) – Zoom LV
Apical 4Ch (4) – Zoom LV, measure EF (Single plane simpson’s)
Apical 4Ch (5) – Rotate to apical 2Ch
Apical 4Ch (5) –Measure EF (biplane simpson’s)
Apical 4Ch (6) – Assess RV
Apical 4Ch (7) – measure TAPSE and TDI s wave
Apical 4Ch (8) – Colour and CW MV - quantitate MR of MS if present
Apical 4Ch (9) – Colour and CW TV - quantitate TR of TS if present
LV diastolic function
Sample volume (1 – 2 mm) at tip of MV
(guide by colour to align the cursor parallel to flow – angle < 20°
E vel, A vel, Decel time

Sample Volume at MV annulus level
Mitral A duration

Source : Anderson, B., (2002), The Normal Examination and Echocardiographic Measurements.

LV Diastolic Function (1) Mitral Inflow
LV Diastolic Function (2) Mitral A duration
LV Diastolic Function IVRT and Pul Vein
3. Sample volume 2 – 3 mm in-between MV and AoV

4. Sample volume 3 – 5 mm at pulmonary vein 1-2cm into pulm vein (preferably RUPV)
PVs vel, PVd vel, PVar peak vel, PVar duration

Source : Anderson, B., (2002), The Normal Examination and Echocardiographic Measurements.

LV Diastolic Function (3) IVRT
LV Diastolic Function (4) Pulmonary Vein
LV Diastolic Function PW TDI
5.Sample Volume 3 mm at MV septal annulus
TDI E’ Vel, A’ Vel, S’ Vel

6.Sample Volume 5 mm at MV lateral annulus
TDI E’ Vel, A’ Vel, S’ Vel

TDI sensitive to angle – align cursor parallel to annulus motion

Source :Hill, J.C, and Palma, R. A.“Doppler Tissue Imaging for the Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function: A Systematic Approach for the Sonographer”, JASE 2005, Vol 18, No 1, pp80 - 88

LV Diastolic Function (5) TDI Septal Annulus , Use PW TDI
LV Diastolic Function (6) TDI Lateral Annulus , Use PW TDI

Apical 4Ch
Assess MV and TV with colour doppler

Apical 5Ch
2D followed by colour

Apical 2Ch
2D followed by colour

Apical 3Ch
2D followed by colour

Apical 5 Chamber (1) – 2D loop
Apical 5 Chamber (2) – Colour Aov Zoom Aov if AS or AR and Quantitate severity
Apical 5 Chamber (3) – PW LVOT
Apical 5 Chamber (4) – CW AoV
Apical 2 Chamber (1) – 2D Loop
Apical 2 Chamber (2) – Colour MV Quantitate MR
Apical 3 Chamber (1) – 2D loop
Apical 3 Chamber (2) – Colour MV Quantitate MR, Zoom MV if necessary
Great Vessels
If aortic root dilated in PSLAX, then go one ICS up to visualize the entire aortic root and ascending aorta
Ao annulus, trans-sinus of valsalva, Sino- tubular junction and ascending aorta

Finally IVC dimension and collapsibility to estimate RAP.

Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure = TR peak PG + RA pressure
Pulmonary Artery Diastolic Pressure = PR end diastolic peak PG + RA pressure

Other additional views/measurements depend on pathology
Other additional views (1) High parasternal view to visualize entire Ao root
Subcostal View (1) – 2D IVC and M-Mode IVC
Other additional views
Depend on abnormalities detected eg. if Ao root dilated, high parasternal view to visualize the entire Ao root; Suprasternal view for significant AR, Modified 4Ch for ASD, Subcostal view for pericardial effusion ….. etc
Other additional views (2) Suprasternal View if significant AR
Other additional views (2) Modified 4Ch for ASD
Other additional views (3) Subcostal 4Ch for Pericardial eff
RV diastolic function
Sample volume 3-5 mm at tip of TV (RV inflow or apical 4C )
Guide by colour so that angle< 20°
E vel, A Vel, Decel time

Sample volume 2 mm in Hepatic vein(HV)
HV systolic forward flow vel, Diastolic forward flow vel, A reversal vel
TV inflow
PW hepatic vein
Do the same measurement at the same location as this will lead to consistency in measurement and able to detect any changes especially in serial echo.

Always remember that different category of people see things in different depth when interpreting echo, if you are not sure of what you are scanning do not panic, record (standard views) before you call the expert to review.

At the end of the study you should have an answer or at least an explanation for the doctor who requested that particular echo.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Bila bercerita tentang "reporting echo result", pekara asas yang seorang MA echo perlu tahu atau hafal ialah "normal values".

Ini termasuklah normal values Cardiac Dimensions, Areas, Volumes dan Parameters.
Selain itu,MA echo juga perlu tahu formula dan normal values yang diguna pakai dalam "Doppler study" seperti PISA, RIMP, LIMP, Dp/Dt, Qp/Qs, SPAP dll.

Dalam artikel untuk kali ini, saya akan bercerita tentang basik normal values yang perlu anda tahu dan sering digunakan.Untuk formula dan values bagi "Doppler Study", kita akan bincangkan didalam artikel yang akan datang. Harapan saya semoga ia dapat menjadi sedikit petunjuk pada anda.

Berikut adalah diantara parameters dan values yang digunapakai dalam ujian echocardiogram:

RVDd : 2.1 - 3.4 cm
Ao Root : 2.0 - 3.7 cm
LA : 1.9 - 4.0 cm
LVIDd : 3.9 - 5.5 cm
LVIDs : 2.0 - 3.8 cm
IVSd : 0.9 - 1.1 cm
LVPWd : 0.7 - 1.1 cm

Ejection Fraction : 55 % - 75 %

Fraction Shortening : 28 % - 41 %


Normal : 4- 6 cm2
Mild MS : 1.5 - 2.5 cm2
Mod MS : 1.0 - 1.5 cm2
Severe MS : < 1.0 cm2


Normal : 2.5- 4.5 cm2
MILD AS : 1.1 - 1.9 cm2
MOD AS : 0.75- 1.1 cm2
Severe AS : < 0.7 cm2

AORTIC ARCH : 2.0 to 3.6 cm


Proximal - 1.2- 2.3 cm
Distal - 1.1- 2.5cm

MPA ( valvular level ) : 1.0- 2.2 cm

MITRAL ANNULUS SIZE : 3.0 - 3.5 cm



Mild : 1.2- 1.4 cm
Mod : 1.5- 1.9cm
Severe : >2.0 cm

sumber : The Echocardiographers Pocket Referance
Terry Rynollds. BS RDCS

nota : Ini adalah serba sedikit values/ parameters yang ditunjukkan.
Terdapat banyak banyak lagi parameters yang perlu anda ketahui.
Saya tidak dapat pamirkan di sini kerana kesibukan kerja yang menunggu yang perlu disiapkan.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Echo..... Definasi dan Indikasi

Selalunya bila kita sebut pasal buat prosedur dan report Echo,ramai MA yang pening kepala,sebab rasa susah.Sebenarnya kalau kita betul2 faham tentang echo ia tak lah susah mana.

Sebenarnya semua MA boleh melakukan dan mahir dalam bidang ini,berikut adalah ciri2 yang mesti ada pada seorang MA echo atau cardiosounografer.
  1. Berdisplin,minat yang mendalam tentang jantung serta agrasif ( tapi bukan MA haluan kiri plak) agrasif disini bermaksud tidak lembik,pasif,hanya duduk tengok senior buat kerja.
  2. Mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas dalam anatomy,fisiologi dan patologi atau penyakit2 yang berkaitan dengan jantung.
  3. Hendaklah mahir tentang ECG
  4. Tahu serba sedikit tentang "Chest X-ray"
  5. Mestilah berjawatan Penolong Pegawai Perubatan (yang ni aku pandai2 je tambah)


Science investigation Radiology,a test which uses high frequency sound waves to image the heart and surrounding tissues.

sumber :


Indikasi echo adalah satu element yang paling penting dalam perkhidmatan ini.Ia berfunsi sebagai garis panduan bagi menentukan kes2 yang perlu dan tidak perlu untuk menjalani ujian ini.berikut adalah indikasi echocardiogram yang telah digezetkan di Hospital Ampang.



With advences in technology,there are increasing indications for the application of an Echocardiography in our daily clinical practice.However to streamline the request for echocardiography services,the following indications have been established, based on the report of the American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association Tesk Force on Practice Guidelines for the Clinical Application of Echocardiography.


1. Post Acute STEMI
· New onset of murmur
· Suspected acquired VSD or papillary muscle dysfunction.

2. Pericardial Temponade

3. Suspected Pulmonary Embolism.

4. suspected Aortic Dissection


1. Post Acute STEMI
· Assess Lv function,EF, Wall motion
· LV clot/ anuerysm

2. Acute Coronary syndrome ( NSTEMI )
· Assess LV function, EF, wall motion

3. Suspected Endocarditis
· Assess valves and vegetations

4. cardiomyopathy in Acute Heart Failure.
· Assess Lv function, EF, Wall motion.

5. Pre – Cardioversion.
· Haemodynamically unstable Chronic Atrial Fibrillation

6. Congenital Heart Diseases
· Determine type of CHD and Anatomic abnormalities
· Eisenmenger’s syndrome

7. Pulmonary Heart Diseasis
· Assess severity of PHT

8. Assessment of valve lesions.
· Comfirmation of clinical findings
· Assessment of haemodynamic severity
· Assessment Cof valve
· Assessment of chamber size
· Suspected of Prosthetic Valve dysfunction

9. Ischaemic Heart diseasis ( where clinically indicated )
· Measurement of Lv function at rest.
· Assessment of wall motion

· Both dilated and Hypertophic Cardiomyopathy

11. Pericardial Diseasis
· Assessment of chronic Pericardial Diseasis, not in temponade

12. Arrhythemias & Palpitations
· When there is clinical suspicion that it may be due to a cardiac

13. syncope
· When there is clinical suspicion that may be due to a cardiac

14.Hypertension ( Not indicated as a routine assessment )
· Only where assessment of LV function in important in clinical
decision making
· Patient with CCS class II or NYHA II or less and can achieved at
least 4 MEtS of activity, there is usually no need for an Echo or
stress Test.


1. Assessment of patient with Neurological events and Vascular
occlusive events.

2. Cardiotoxic ( chemotherapy base line studies )

3. Heamatological Conditions
· Not indicated as routine assessment.
· Only for patient clinically significant of cardiac events.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Pertama saya nak ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi melawat blog ini.

Terlebih dahulu,saya dikenali dengan panggilan MA Azhar berpengalaman 7 tahun dalam bidang kardiology.5 tahun bertugas di Klinik Pakar Perubatan HKL dan 2 tahun klinik Pakar Perubatan Hospital Ampang.Attachment di Institut Jantung Negara pada tahun 2002.Antara bidang tugas saya ialah adult TTE,pead TTE,stres test,holter dll.

Disebabkan kekurangan bahan rujukan dan tiada kursus khas atau post basik dalam bidang ini yang majoritinya dilakukan oleh Pen.Peg.Perubatan ( Pembantu Perubatan ) maka blog ini diwujudkan sebagai wadah untuk kita ( PPP) bertukar maklumat,pengetahuan dan pengalaman.

Harapan saya semoga blog ini dapat meningkatkan lagi kualiti kerja dan martabat Penolong Pegawai Perubatan.Saya juga mengalu-alukan segala pandangan,teguran atau cadangan dari pengunjung semua.Sila perbetulkan saya jika terdapat kesilapan atau kesalahan dalam maklumat yang saya berikan.

Terima Kasih